Our Primary School is situated in the centre of
Pretzschendorf in the German federal state of Saxony. This state is located in the east of Germany and adjoins the Czech Republic in the south and Poland in the east.
Our school building (old building) has been existing for more than 100 years and housing our Primary School since 1992. The old building as well as the new building (established in 1964 aisde) were renovated espacially inside by the Municipality of Pretzschendorf in 2004. There are eight classrooms with two computers per room, a woodwork room, a music room, a computer lab with 16 workplaces, a school laboratory and a fairytale room. In the basement, the refectory, the kitchen and the public library are located. The attic is used by the after-school care center.
In the school year 2019/2020, 121 children from
Pretzschendorf, Röthenbach, Friedersdorf, Colmnitz and Klingenberg are attending our school. Seven female teachers and one male teacher teach in two first, two second, one third and one fourth class(es). A guest teacher teaches the Protestant religion subject.
The school yard with tables and benches, with a large area for playing, ping-pong tables, writing board and sandbox allows outdoor lessons and different activities. Idyllically situated in front of our school, our
school garden with a small pond invites to stay and to learn with all senses. Since some years, a little school forest has been belonging to our school – our green classroom.
Next to the school grounds there is the gym. Aside there is a playground and amateur football field for doing sports in the lessons and in the spare time. In addition to a football and basketball field there are for example a sandbox with climbing frame as well as a slide and of course a swing.
A lot of pupils are engaging keenly in singing, acing and dancing in the school club “musical”. With inquisitiveness we also are attending the clubs “first aid”, “arts” “lace-making” “riding”, “healthy diet”, “young cooks” and “back care“. Our club “supporting and challenging” supports learning, because the different offers for well-performing and less well-performing pupils allow an additional differentiation of subject matter.